How to cancel a New Supplier Add request in SOAR?
If there is a need to cancel a VR ID that is in process, reach out to the approver and ask them to reject the VR ID.
VR ID’s will automatically delete based on the below parameters
If the VR ID is pending the Pending Invitation status (The invitations has not been submitted past the first step) - The VR ID will automatically be deleted after 14 days.
If the VR ID is pending for more than 60 days in Incomplete status (the Proxy request has not been submitted past the first step) - The VR ID will get automatically get deleted after 60 days.
If the VR ID is pending in Invited status (the supplier received an invite but has not logged in) - The VR ID will get automatically get deleted after 45 days.
Please reach out to the SOAR Helpdesk if you have any questions.